Topsoil, Fill Materials and Soil Amendments

- Agricultural Lime
- Ball Diamond Infield Mix
- Bio Retention Soil Mixes/SHA
- Bocce Ball Court Mix
- Core Trench Clay
- Custom Soil Mixes
- DC Soil Mixes
- DOEE Soil Mix
- Fill Dirt
- Fill Materials
- MDE B.4.1 Planting Soil
- MDE B.3.2 Planting Soil
- Mont.Co. Bio-soil
- Organic Compost
- Pine Fines
- Planting Soil
- Select and Common Fill
- Stalite (Lightweight Agg)
- Topsoil/SHA
The Stone Store is a complete source for a full selection of soil products such as topsoil, fill materials, and soil amendments. As a manufacturer of topsoil we are able to service small to moderate soil needs in addition to some of the largest projects in the region.
The Stone Store is also a stocking supplier of a complete range of soil amendments, clays and lightweight aggregates, allowing us to produce specified custom soil blends and sport field mixes on site.
All soil products are available in bulk and bagged for delivery and pick up.

SHA Approved

SHA Approved

MD Approved

Fill Materials

Fill Materials typically consist of dirt, sand, clay, or recycled material. It is most commonly used to fill holes and depressions in the ground, to change the grade or elevation of land, or in landscaping and hardscaping projects to create a base for other materials used in ponds, waterfalls, and rock structures. Another common use of fill dirt is to fill in a low lying construction site to raise the level of the building foundation in order to reduce the chances of flooding.
Below is a partial list of the Fill Materials we carry:
- Select Fill
- Fill Dirt
- Backfill
- Sandy Clean Fill
- Common Borrow Fill
- Screened Sand
- RC-6 Recycled Crusher Run
- Core Trench Clay