
Dump Truck Delivery Policies

1. Rain or Shine Orders:

This time frame is accepted as a rain and or shine order only. To fulfill these orders on time, trucks must be in transit to various loading sites hours prior to your requested delivery time frames.
If orders are changed and or canceled for any reason, the customer will be charged the prevailing haul rates, rental rates and or minimum charges per truck based on the individual situation.

2. Call If Rain / Hold Orders:

When a customer places a Hold if Rain order, The Aggtrans dispatch department will call the customer contact starting at 5am on the delivery date to verify the order release. If the contact is not available, we will proceed with other orders. The customer must then call at their earliest to reschedule the proposed order. Please keep in mind that the previously scheduled trucks or times may not be available when you call back.

We do not Hold Orders and Trucks for specific time frames unless previous arrangements have been made. There will be a cost associated with the holding time for trucks at the prevailing rates.

If an order is put on hold, there are no guarantees that the original time frames can be filled due to ongoing dispatch schedule changes during these weather events and or jobsite changes.

3. Order / Delivery Cancelations:

Orders are placed ahead of time for various reasons such as: on going workload, material availability, securing specific and additional equipment, special time deliveries and scheduling approved drivers for secured sites, etc.

When orders are placed and canceled for any of the reasons mentioned above…a cancelation fee will be charged at the minimum of four hours at the prevailing rates for each truck. There may be some cases that additional hours will be charged, based on the individual situation.

4. Communications Regarding Order Changes:

Placing orders, making order changes and cancelations will not be excepted by way of voice mail, text message and email. The customer must talk with a dispatcher, customer service representative or at last resort, the sales rep to make any updates to any order.

When talking with any personnel regarding order updates, always document their name, date, and time of the call.